Saturday, October 15, 2011

You really can go home again...

I just finished reading The New Teen Titans Graphic Novel called Games. This book was over twenty years in the making and boy was it worth it. With the advent of the DCnU I never thought I would care about a comic again. Then I read this Graphic Novel. It is written by Marv Wolfman and George Perez the creators of the New Teen Titans. It was started over twenty years ago so there are some continuity differences in the story but it is written with characters that I grew up with and how I remember them being written. Starfire is an alien warrior with a heart of gold, not the vapid bimbo that she is in the new DCnU book that she is in. Cyborg is grown up and a hero already not some kid that has not even turned into Cyborg yet that they have in the DNnU. Donna Troy is in it in her Troia identity, Nightwing is the leader, and Changeling goes from comic relief to being the heart of the book.  Danny Chase, one of my least favorite Titans becomes really likeable in this story.
      I keep going back to the DCnU because they have stomped all over the characters that I love and reading this book has brought that into great clarity. This is how comics should be written and drawn. The art by George Perez is gorgeous throughout the book, and Marv Wolfman writes a compelling story that not everyone comes away unscathed from. I never thought I would see this Titans team drawn by George and written by Marv again unless it was in re-releases. I never thought I would see one last original story of my favorite characters by my favorite creators. I really hope they see the magic they have and do some more together.

     The story itself is a time capsule of the 90’s but does not seem dated at all. It has the Titans team and surrounding characters from the 90’s Titans. The story is high stakes. There is an enemy that has found out all of the Titans friends and relatives. To coin the phrase, people live, people die, and the Titans will never be the same. The characterization is spot on and something that nobody else has come close to on the Titans since. Since it was started 20 years ago It definitely stands as standalone comic outside regular continuity. The dust jacket on the novel reads: Discover who the power players truly are In New Teen Titans: Games, the long anticipated swan song for one of the most beloved superhero sagas of all time. I could not have said it better myself.

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