Tuesday, October 30, 2012

When opportunity knocks

Lately is has been hard to wrap my head around the people that I have had the honor of being able to talk to and even interview. I guess sometimes ignorance is bliss. I was not a real big TV watcher or Buff the Vampire Slayer Fan. I don’t know why. I think it was at a time when I was not really watching much TV. So I have to say I was not too familiar with a lot of actors, and I don’t usually make a big deal out of actors or sports people. I guess I try to treat the people the same as anyone else. Luckily the people I have been able to interview have been great. No egos, where they could have every right to have one. From Kristen Nedopak, to Helena Santos Levy, and Lauren McFall, in the acting realm, to Hans Pasricha and Garrett Schultz, game designers from Leviathan Interactive, to writer Blake Northcott, I have been really fortunate to be able to talk to these people. These are probably some of the coolest moments of my life when I look back on it. Though at the time it was all professional and getting the interview done. Looking back on it now, it is like whoah, how did I get these people to give me the time of day? How the heck did I even get the courage up to even ask for these interviews?
I guess being behind a computer screen definitely helps. I am not sure if I would have the same bravery if meeting the people face to face. I guess being behind a computer screen and being brave does not have to mean being a jerk to people without fear of repercussions, it can also be used to channel the bravery into talking to people that you would not normally talk to and ask for an interview. There a bunch of clichés about chances not taken, well they are clichés because they are true. I would never have had the chance to talk to these folks if I had not asked the question. What is the worst they can do? I guess say no is the big one. One of the first rules that I have is to treat people with respect. If you are a jerk to people, the chances of them wanting to do an interview with you are going to be slim to none. I know I may never be a writer for Variety or Entertainment Weekly, but writing for Expert Comics has opened a lot of doors for me and given me some credibility. For that I will be forever grateful.
I will always be fans of the people that I have interviewed, hopefully even friends with some of them. When I read about their successes it makes me so happy for them. These are the hardest working people I have talked to and every success is earned, so I could not be happier for them. This post was not to brag, or to think I am cool or anything. Those that know me know cool is not a word associated with me, but it is just a reflection about how lucky I have been, and that a question never asked is an opportunity passed. Wow was that a lame line, but no less true. I appreciate all of the people I have been able to talk to or interact with on Twitter. Sometimes social media sucks, but it also provides opportunities and allows you to cultivate friendships with people you have never met in real life.

Here are some of the Twitter handles of folks that are going places and are great people.

Kristen Nedopak creator of the Skyrim Parodies @Nedopak
Blake Northcott writer of VS Reality and Relapse @ComicBookGrrl
Helena Santos-Levy Also from Skyrim Parodies @helsvy
Lauren McFall Skyrim Parodies and host extraordinaire @CLOSETGEEK1

These are just a few of the great people I have had the chance to interview. Great folks all.

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