Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Of Geek Girls, Sasquatch, and other myths...

Let me preface this with saying I am kind old, like 40 old. There has been a lot of talk lately about Geek Girls not getting their due, and comparing themselves to the mythical Unicorn. People have heard of girls that like Star Wars, comics, and playing D&D, but nobody has even seen them. The stories of them bounced around Geek Boys basements everywhere. Where geek boys got together with their friends and did some gaming, or watched some Science Fiction, there was talk about this fictional member of the opposite sex. Let me tell you I was one of those guys. When I grew up guys played with GI-Joe, girls played with Barbie. Girls looked down on Star Wars as boring, and playing D&D as lame. In my family there was not one female that hung out with the males in the family and our geeky pursuits.

Then fast forward to about 2004. This is when some guys at work talked me into playing World of Warcraft, the MMORPG. In this game I came across people from all walks of life, including females. This was totally new to me and the first inkling that something different was going on. As time went on, not only were females good at the game, they were guild and raid leaders. This would have been a place reserved for males just a few years before. Times they were a changing. Then a few years ago I joined Twitter and it opened up a whole new world to me. I went in knowing very few people. One of those people goes by the name of MsMarvelGirl on Twitter. She is a young graphic artist that is an avid Marvel comic reader. Through her, and probably because of my Twitter handle hulksmash02 I was introduced to a whole gaggle of Geek Girls.

One of the first was Felicia Day. I came across her name when someone recommended the Guild web series. Now she is a Goddess among Geek Girls. Geek Girls are out there. They not only read science fiction they write it. They are artists, actresses, web series writers and stars, they are big name celebrities. They also are not going away, nor should you as Geek Boys want them to. Now is a great time for you to meet someone with the same interests, that knows what a Tardis is, and can kick your ass at Halo. Ok maybe the last may not be that great, but you get my meaning. They are real and they are out there waiting for you to say hello. They are just as shy and awkward as you and it may take some time, but it will be totally worth it. Just treat them with respect, don't freak out, and don't immediately comment on their boobs. Here is just a list of just a few really cool and talented Geek Girls that you can follow on Twitter.












  1. Thank you Brett! I love the mention...and (big smile) I just HAPPENED to be first on the list.

    I know this isn't a competition, but one of us is clearly in the lead.

    (Kidding, kidding...sort of)

  2. I'm always behind you Blake!!! ;)
